Be Still And Know

Monday, January 6, 1997

Psalm 46:10 – Be still and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy sledding the net (Surfing isn't an appropriate term where I live), but have you noticed how noisy it is? The net seems to me visually loud in the extreme. Bright colours, big bold letters, winking and blinking icons. The closest I've come to a quiet glade and still waters is a plain grey home page with a traditional typeset.

Contrast this with last night. I was driving home from meetings down south. It was after midnight and I'd been driving for about seven hours. The sky was moonless and clear, which means a billion stars shone all around. Fresh snow added to the brightness. I drove with the headlights off for a while. The outside temperature gauge said -37, Celsius or Fahrenheit, at that temperature, it just doesn't matter which.

I stopped on top of a ridge, right on what passes for the Trans-Canada Highway, turned off the van and hopped out. Reaching up I could almost touch the Northern Lights dancing all around. And I mean "all around", not some fuzzy patch of lime-green light off to the north.

At -37, and below (-70 is awesome!), there is a silence that is only heard out here in the world beyond the cities and the towns. You don't have to do anything to "Be still and know". The frozen stillness swallows you up whole, and the Northern Lights and stars fill you with the depth of infinity, the hand of God.

Prayer: Lord, help us to be still. Then fill us with deep peace. Amen.

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About the author:

Drew Jacques
Temagami, Ontario, Canada

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