1 Samuel 16:7 – For God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.
When choosing new eyeglass frames I'm always amazed at how many frames look like they will be a perfect match for my face and turn out to be terrible! Then, just when I am beginning to despair, I find that one pair that suits me.
I realized one day that we sometimes look at life through the wrong frames. We hear the comments of others who say, "She's this and he's that…" Then, when we meet that person, we see them framed in the comments and opinions of the people around us.
The frames of other people's thoughts don't suit our faces.
But just as we are beginning to despair God offers us the perfect pair of frames. Instead of seeing people in light of other's opinions, God invites us to see people through the blood of Christ. Instead of giving in to the pressure to simply agree, God invites us to stand firm in the power of the Holy Spirit. Instead of living in the "love me first" attitude of the world God invites us to reach others with His heart and love.
So the next time you are shopping for frames to see the world in, pick up the Bible. It's the only store in town that has an eternal guarantee.
Prayer: Father, we long to see the world through Your eyes. We confess that we often see other framed in the opinions and expressions of the people around us. How often, Lord, do we miss the true Child of God that you created and see only the fleshly person that stands before us. Lord, forgive us for not seeking to see through the blood of the Lamb. Help us to look beyond the words that we hear to the hearts that You see. Help us to see the world with our Father's eyes. Amen.
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