Where Do We See God?

Sunday, October 20, 1996

John 14:9 – Who has seen me has seen the Father.

Matthew 25:40 – When you did it to the least of these, you did it to me.

We see God in nature and in people. In the sunrise and in a friendly smile.

To see God we need to make a choice and have a correct attitude. We choose to see God daily when we follow a routine to seek and know God with all our might (determination) and mind (discipline) and to enjoy (to really live) Him forever (the eternal now). Or we choose to daily complacently ignore all knowledge of God's life giving and sustaining power (we face life in our own strength). Our attitude is derived from all our past experiences and choices and determines how we see and interact with others (how we see our life situation).

So… where do we see God? We see what we choose to see (it is our free will). We see God from our perspective, from our choices (we see what we want to see), and from our attitudes (our beliefs). We see God in retrospect as in the poem "Footprints" or we miss seeing God as in the poem "Letter from a Friend".

Prayer: Thank you God for each new day. For the sunrise and for the people who smile. Thank you for giving us the ability to smile and help others. Amen.

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About the author:

Ross Witmer <rosswitmer@rogers.com>
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

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