Proverbs 3:13 – Happy are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold.
There was a tranquilizer on the market a couple of decades ago that people use to call the "happy pill". Take one of these and forget all your worries and all your cares and simply be happy. The trouble with such pills is that they wear off and leave the worrier in more misery than they could ever imagine. Such happy pills tried to remove you from the darker aspects of living instead of confronting life with the hope and happiness that can only come from the knowledge that God is with us, and that God loves us and cares for us.
An old man was being interviewed and he showed such a joy of life that the host asked him the secret of his happiness. The old man said there was no secret formula, only a simple, plain truth. "When I get up in the morning I have two choices: to be happy or unhappy. I just choose to be happy."
Prayer: We seek our true happiness in your service Lord. We find our true happiness in the divine wisdom that would have us walk in your way and follow your will. Let us embrace such happiness and make it our own to the glory of the name of Jesus. Amen.
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