When We Want It Enough

Sunday, September 15, 1996

James 4:2 – You do not have, because you do not ask God.

David was the youngest child in his family, and for some reason, he didn't find it necessary to talk until he was almost three years old. By pointing and grunting, he could get anything he wanted. Finally the family realized the problem, and all agreed to ignore his grunts. Soon it happened. David pointed and grunted at the water faucet until he was red in the face, but with no results. Finally he blurted out, "I want a drink of water." The other children were astonished. David looked pleased with himself. The incident proved once again that when we want something badly enough, we'll ask for it. Indeed, God knows what we need, but He waits until we want what we need, enough to ask for it, before He gives it to us. Sometimes it is only when we experience a desperate need in our lives that we turn to God in prayer: "Lord help me." And so, we make our first feeble attempts at speaking to God, and experience His answer. Open your heart in prayer, to God today.

Prayer: Lord, You know my need. Reveal Yourself to me in power, that I may know that you are the God Who answers prayer. Amen.

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About the author:

Robin Ross <rross@telus.net>
Mission, British Columbia, Canada

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