Romans 8:28 – And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.
Four-year-old Debbie not only insisted that Grandpa read her a story; she would have no substitute for Hansel and Gretel. Repeatedly, Grandpa stopped at points where violence erupts: a hungry mother and father plan to solve the food shortage by taking their children into a forest and losing them; an evil witch puts Hansel into a cage to get fat so she can cook him and eat him. These hardly seemed to be the sorts of things a little one should hear just before she went to bed. "Are you sure you want to hear this, Debbie? Aren't you frightened?" "No, Grandpa! I'm not scared! keep on reading! It's going to be all right!" Debbie's certainty that it was going to be all right shielded her from fear.
Whatever else the love of God may do, it assures the trusting believer that there is nothing to fear. God has promised that all things work together for good, for those who love Him. That means that our story will have a happy ending. No matter how dreadful it is at the moment, "It's going to be all right!"
Prayer: Lord God, show us clearly how You are working our lives out for the best, and give us Your grace to persevere until it does become clear. Amen.
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