Exodus 15:11 – Who among the gods is like you, O Lord? Who is like you — majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders? (NIV)

One late summer's day, it took me ages to get home because traffic was stalled along the way, on account of the local air show. The "Snowbirds", a precision team of fliers from the Royal Canadian Air Force, were swooping around in the sky. Traffic line-ups were everywhere, of course! All eyes were looking up.

In the midst of a great noise, there was a thrilling performance by the Snowbirds. I could imagine the co-ordination of the young fliers at the controls of these amazing aircraft.

As I was pondering what man is capable of, into my jeep flew a beautiful tangerine-and-black butterfly. It swooped around a bit, and at one point gently touched my cheek! Then away it glided into the air.

This delicate, beautiful, little creature — one of God's amazing little aircraft — is capable of flying thousands of miles up in the sky. Requiring no fuel, butterflies are noiseless except for a tiny whisper of a wing in flight.

I looked up in wonder at the Snowbirds, and gazed in awe at the butterfly in all its beautiful complexity and simplicity.

These thoughts brought my title into view: the power of God and the beauty of holiness!

The traffic jam could have brought frustration; rather, I was caught up in these poetic words, and thought on the wonder of the butterfly, so gentle, so fragile, like a whisper, and, in contrast, the roaring power of those jet engines above.

So it is with God, when He reaches down to us. Let us behold the beauty, the gentle touch of His hand and the power He uses in our lives. He comes in different ways to all His people, in wonder and in awe. God made those men, able to fly, to soar, and, in sharp contrast, He made the butterfly. What wonder, what majesty, the mysteries and the holiness of God!

Prayer: Dear Lord, we come to You in the beauty of holiness and in the power of Your Spirit. Abide in our hearts this day and forevermore. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Anne Russell <annerussell80@gmail.com>
Brampton, Ontario, Canada

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