The Epiphany

Thursday, September 10, 2020
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Jesus Loves Even Me"1 (Lyrics)

Joshua 1:9 – Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. (NIV)

The dogs were barking insanely, racing along the fence from one end to the other. Frank, my gelding, and the three goats stood in the corral looking frightened. My mind was on the grizzly that had been hanging around.

As I left the corral after cleaning and feeding, Frank and the goats timidly followed me out, but stayed close to the centre of the property. The dogs would quiet for a few moments and then the rampage would begin again. Frank stood, uncertain as to what to do. Since the death of my mare, his mother, he seemed to be going through an identity crisis. Once confident and bold in a crisis, as he and Mama always stood together, he was now timid and afraid.

But then, something happened as the dogs continued to bark and lunge at the fence as the bear ran by. It was as if he had an epiphany, a sudden insight. His companion and mother was gone, but he was not alone. He had a whole little army on the property with him, and he could stand with them and them with him. So what if they were dogs and he was a horse? They could still stand and fight together.

He was off at a gallop and joined the rushing dogs, barking and lunging with Frank in their midst, tossing his mane and screaming through his nose. The grizzly decided to move on. Once he had, Frank ran to the top corner, where he had disappeared, craned his neck and head over the fence and let out one last scream, as if to say, And don't come back either, because we'll be waiting for you!

As he confidently trotted away with the dogs, I was reminded of the transformation or epiphany that happens to us when, amidst our fears, confusion, and insecurities, we remember that "If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all — how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?" (Romans 8:31b-32 NIV) So no matter what comes our way in life, no matter what trials, losses, fears, or insecurities that we are called to face, we do not need to stand and cower alone, not ever. For God and His army of angels are fighting with and for us and calling us to fight alongside of them through the power of faith, hope, trust, and love. "In all these things, we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. (Romans 8:37 NIV)

Prayer: Lord God, please remind us, as necessary, that we are never alone. You and Your angels are always fighting for and with us, that we might be more than conquerors through Him who loved and loves us forever and always. In Christ's name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Lynne Phipps <>
Tawatinaw, Alberta, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    AMEN, Lynne.

    I like this devotional. Thank you.

    Great story and reminder, Lynne! God bless!

    Amen and thank you for your devotion. Blessings always.

    Excellent, as usual. I can tell it’s you after the first sentence!! Thanks.

    Great devotional. Can you not just see the young horse galloping along?

    Lynne, this was a wonderful illustration for an amazing truth. Thank you!

    Great example Lynn. I’ll think of your horse screaming next time I’m afraid.

    Amazing what the Lord shows us through animals. So many life lessons! Thanks.

    That was a fun read, Lynne, thanks. Way to go, Frank! I enjoy your devotional writing.

    Dear Lynne:
    So beautifully written, thank you.

    Hello Lynne
    Thank you so much for a terrific devotional; so interesting and inspiring.

    Another great story with an important message for us all. Thank you.

    Lynne, bless you for sharing such a vivid picture of natural faith. Pure and simple. Many thanks for the smile it gave me.

    Good morning Lynne, I could feel the power and force of our Lord as I read through your devotional. Love the part where the horse ‘said’ “and don’t come back”.

    Amen and Amen.

    Amen to your prayers Lynne.
    He is with us always. Hallelujah.

    Thank you. This is just what I needed to send my friend who is waiting covid results for Her sick husband. God is good and his timing is perfect.

    Dear Lynne,
    Thank you for your message this morning. I really needed that reminder. Thank you so much for all your devotionals.

    Dear Lynne,
    Thank you for the reminder that we are never alone. How many times I need reminding is amazing but always grateful when I am reminded.

    Brought me to tears, Lynn. What joy in the reading of this superb writing! Memorable and full of hope. Grateful for this perfect illustration and the scripture that fits it as though they were made for each other! So glad to know you.

    HI Lynne,
    What a beautiful, tangible example of empowerment. It is good to hear that your gelding soaked up the “Pack energy” of the dogs, and that together, they frightened the bear. Glad you are safe.

    Thank you. I am heading back to teach in person piano lessons on Monday. I need these Bible verses today. I am not fearful, but I want my students to be calm and I find that I can direct them with pleasant repetition and humour.
    Thanks again.

    Good morning, Lynn.
    Thank you for another inspiring devotional.
    You draw wonderful pictures with your words and I really enjoy hearing about your animals and family!!
    Thank you. May God keep you safe and healthy!

    Dear Lynne,
    A beautiful story about the reaction your horse had with the dogs’ barking as the grizzly is near. You are so right in explaining it as an “epiphany”! Yes, we are so fortunate that our caring saviour is ever ready to envelop us in His loving arms and protect us from harm.
    Blessings for the special writings you submit.

    Thank you so much for this wonderful devotional! (I, too, am an animal lover!)
    I am 77 and have walked with Jesus for 70 years. This spring, I had surgery, however, I believe the general anesthetic at my age, may have left some effects.
    For the first time in my life, I have experienced some anxiety and brief threats of depression and temporary memory loss. I have pretty much spent the summer at His Throne of Grace, which as you know, is a wonderful place to be!
    Your devotional reminded me of my “Heavenly army” who is always available and ready to fight for me. What a comfort and blessing to know that JESUS IS ALWAYS WITH ME! Even if my “brain goes”, He will carry me through! I have asked Him to always enable me to remember the Bible verses I have memorized over the years. As long as I remember HIM, I will have all I need!
    Keep on writing for Him. I really look forward to your testimonies of His Grace.

    Thank you for the devotional, Lynne. I needed to hear that message today.

    Another wonderful story!
    I could never make it without my unseen helpers.

    What a heart pounding experience that must have been, but praise the Lord, He’s always with us! Thanks for sharing this encouraging devotional with us.

    Oh, bless Frank!!!! What an inspirational picture as he put on “his armor of God” and took the mantle to now be the protector from his mom. What a wonderful God we serve! He loves all of His delightful creatures!

    Hi Lynne,
    Well done, Frank! Poor thing, l can imagine how insecure he has been since Mama died. This is such a beautiful example of how God is always with us and is our internal strength and the lifter of our head! That grizzly won’t be coming back any time soon!

    Thank you.

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