God Keep Our Land

Sunday, November 10, 2013
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "God Be With You"1 (Lyrics)

Isaiah 2:4 – He shall judge between the nations, and rebuke many people; they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore. (NKJV)

I was in a long lineup at the bank when I noticed the nicely-dressed senior ahead of me with silver hair. As he turned, I saw that he wore a navy blue Legion jacket sporting many small brooches and pins — for awards and accomplishments, I imagined. He smiled, and so I said, "That's a lot of honour there on your lapel." He seemed pleased that I had recognized that. I asked him if he had been in Europe during the war, and he said that he was on the beaches of Normandy on D-day where his cousin was killed. From my entrance onto the scene in the 1950s during peacetime, I can barely imagine what he must have suffered that day. I shudder to think of the young men I know today, for I have sons as well. I imagine what it must have been like to see such young men leave home, perhaps never to return. I asked him what he thought of the wars in the world today and all the young men and women who go overseas to serve their country. He said that war is not something that mankind can solve, and that there would be only one solution for it all. I held my breath for the answer, and then he said these golden words: "The return of Jesus Christ will be the only answer for it." I reached for his hand and said, "Oh! Then I must greet you as a brother in Christ, for I believe that, too."

On Sunday, I looked in the glass cabinet at church, and saw the picture of a very young man in uniform. He was noted as having died for his country. He had such a handsome face — I think of how his mother must have wept when she got the bad news.

For all those bumper stickers that say, "Thank a Vet", I say, "Thank you", and I honour you with respect, especially on November 11th. On this Remembrance Day or Veterans Day, we salute those who fought battles, who endured unimaginable sacrifice and loss, who bravely left home and hearth to defeat tyranny, who now defend our country, and who through it all still have the focus to believe that Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, is the answer to all the earth's travail. God calls all of us to be peacemakers, and until Jesus comes again, we must do our best in our own way to work for peace in all our relationships.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, we give thanks to You for the freedom that we enjoy in many countries today because of those who paid such a price. As the Canadian national anthem says, "God keep our land glorious and free". Amen.

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About the author:

Linda Smith <lindasmithwpp@gmail.com>
Innisfil, Ontario, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:


    Inspiring. Thank you!! Blessings.

    Thank you so much. A fitting tribute to all peacekeepers…at home and abroad.

    Thank you Linda for a touching and timely message today.

    Dear Linda,
    I really enjoy your story “God Keep Our Land”.
    Thank you.

    Thank you, Linda, for your story and for the honor you have paid to our veterans.
    God bless,
    (California, USA)

    Thank you Linda. I’ll be 70 in a few days and the son of an English war bride. My dad was Canadian but fought in England during WW II. I was thinking a few days ago how thankful I am that God protected the three of us and brought us safely to Canada after the war. I’m so thankful that my sons have never known war although sometimes I think that a “little conflict” might shock today’s youth into being more thankful and respectful of the life they are able to live here in Canada. I would also like to see our government make November 11th a national holiday to honour our veterans past and present. Blessings to you and your family.

    Dear Linda,
    Thank you for the Remembrance devotional.
    I especially appreciate:
    … who through it all still have the focus to believe that Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, is the answer to all the earth’s travail. God calls all of us to be peacemakers, and until Jesus comes again, we must do our best in our own way to work for peace in all our relationships.
    I appreciate your prayer.
    Thank you, Linda, for pointing to the Prince of Peace as the WAY. We pray that he will work in many hearts in many nations and draw millions to himself, so they will value His peace in their hearts and want to pass it on.
    I pray that he will cause each of us to be his channels. Amen.

    Dear sister Linda,
    Indeed, a great devotional FATHER sent through you. The chance encounter with the silver haired veteran was enjoyable for me to read about. In my mind’s eye I saw the visions of the horrific battle he fought through to lead the way for others who were on landing craft or crawling just a few feet behind him.
    That day was the beginning of the end of Hitler’s quest for world dominance. Men like him are to be honored for the sacrifices they gave so that the freedom we enjoy could be preserved.
    I ask father to rain down blessings of health, happiness & prosperity all of your days and that your final blessing be when FATHER lifts you home to reside with him. AMEN & AMEN
    (Texas USA)

    Good Evening Linda:
    God does call all of us to be peacemakers, and until Jesus comes again, we must do our best in our own way to work for peace in all our relationships. Powerful words indeed to a war torn society. War Torn Indeed – Not only nation against nation but family against family, neighbour against neighbour and the saddest of all, satan working overtime, alive and well on earth causing rebelry in every area of society.
    This was a great message and a challenge to all.
    Thank you for recognizing one of our war heros and making him aware of how important his role was in our lives. It was lovely to find out he was a Christian man.

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