The Body Of Christ

Saturday, January 8, 2005

Ephesians 4:16 – From him [Christ] the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. (NIV)

In these days of specialists, which type of physician one goes to for an ailment is a significant decision.

Recently, I visited my internal medicine doctor for a physical. He, in turn, sent me for lab work to test my blood, to a women's health centre for a mammogram, to a gynaecologist for a pap smear, to a rheumatologist for joint problems, to a dermatologist for skin allergies, to an ophthalmologist for my eyes, and to a podiatrist for my feet. I wasn't even sick; I just needed to know whether I was or not. Had I come up with a special illness or disease, the list could have gone on and on.

The same is true in the house of God, the church, which is the body of Christ. It is as specialized as the medical world. To build an effective body of Christ, people need to be assigned roles for which they are suitable and for which they have a calling. Just as we would not go to a podiatrist if we had eye problems, one does not enjoy the choir if one doesn't sing.

In the body of Christ we need visionaries; we need people who can see the big picture and take action. The church needs detail people, sales people, motivators, teachers, musicians, cooks, workers, callers, cleaners, polishers — the list goes on. Even in the body of Christ, if people are trying to do a job they are not suited for, they quickly lose excitement and motivation.

Each of us has unique talents. When we surround ourselves with people who fill in our gaps, we have an effective team. Often, opposites attract and are much more successful working together than people of similar talents. We need eyes, feet, hands, minds, and many other body parts if the body of Christ is to function smoothly.

Prayer: Lord, thank You for our differences and our strengths. May we have proper appreciation for each person's role in Your church. May we unite together in work and love to bring forth Your praise and glory. Amen.

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About the author:

Ivie Bozeman <>
Thomasville, Georgia, USA

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