The Necklace

Wednesday, July 24, 2002

Proverbs 18:24 – Some friendships do not last, but some friends are more loyal than brothers. (GNB)

My husband gave me a necklace when we were married, a little over thirteen years ago. It is a gold chain with a gold cross. The cross is cut plainly, with bevelled edges that catch the light.

I have broken that chain several times over the years. When that happens, I have two choices. I can leave it broken in my jewellery box, or I can take it to the jewellers to be soldered. When it is returned, the newly joined spot is even stronger than it was before.

Our lives are like that too. Many times we feel pain, anger, hurt, or despair. We can leave our lives broken and live with our trials, or we can take our problems to Jesus. He can mend our hearts and make us stronger than we once were. He is the greatest friend one could ever want.

John 15:13 – The greatest love a person can have for his friends is to give his life for them. (GNB)

Prayer: Loving Father, You sent Your Son for us. Help us to remember that above all else, He is our friend. At our worst moments, He is with us, loving us, supporting us, restoring us. We could ask for no better friend. Amen.

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About the author:

Heather Morton <>
West Lorne, Ontario, Canada

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