Message In A Bottle

Wednesday, May 23, 2001

Acts 1:8 – But when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will be filled with power, and you will be witnesses for me. (GNB)

I always wanted to write a message, put it in a bottle and send it down the river. My imagination sees the bottle bobbing with the current of the river into the Great Lakes water system, over Niagara Falls, across the Atlantic Ocean, and into the hands of someone in a far distant country. It's possible. I've heard of it happening before.

But that same bottle could make it around the first bend in the river, snag in some floating debris, and be stuck there forever.

Two scenarios, two outcomes. We also have a choice. Each day we can choose to let our lives be guided by God. We will never know how far-reaching our actions will be. If you smile and say hello to a stranger on the street, it could change his entire day. And yet, perhaps it would change nothing.

If we follow the path Jesus leads us on, we never know whom we will touch. Our actions will ripple like the rings on a pond, and our message in a bottle will be carried out into the world.

Prayer: God in heaven, You sent Your Son to teach us. Help us to show Your ways in all things we do. May we take Your message into the world, so that others may see Your love through us. Amen.

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About the author:

Heather Morton <>
West Lorne, Ontario, Canada

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