The Gift Of Snow

Monday, March 8, 1999

Romans 8:28 – And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. (KJV)

Snow has always come as a gift to me. When I was little, we made snow forts and snow balls. We flopped back into the snow, moving our arms from our heads to our sides, and our legs together and away from each other. Then got up to see the impression of an angel.

We used to "walk out" words in the snow like "H E L L O" and "M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S" hoping some small aircraft would see it. I sometimes do it still. We'd whisk down any old hill on a toboggan, sleigh, inner tube or cuts of old cardboard. We'd try to catch a snowflake on our tongue. We'd pick it up in handfuls and eat it. Snow was a gift.

Now when we're older, it seems to some not to be a gift. They see only the hazards of driving or walking. They see their employees coming late to work or not at all. They see cancelled meetings and get-togethers. They see inconvenience. And it is all of those things, because we live such busy lives.

A recent snowfall caused an evening meeting as well as a planned trip to the mainland to be cancelled. It also gave me a much needed break, a time to "recharge my batteries", a time to catch up on some neglected things, and an opportunity to do some things for some people that I'd otherwise not have been able to do.

For me, at least, the snowfall worked for the good. God intervened, allowing me to stay home from an otherwise busy schedule, something I would not have done for myself. Since I'd cancelled my trip to the mainland, He led the way for me to do some other things I'd not had time to do. If we take time in the midst of things seemingly going wrong, to look to Him, He will show us how they can work to the good.

Prayer: Thank you Father, for those times when you intervene to show us another way. In Your name we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Mary Daniel <>
Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada

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